
Christian Den Fjerdes Laug


International induction of thirty-four new members into the Wine Cellar

IMG 8879Once again, the Guild of Christian IV had the pleasure of inducting thirty-four new members from UNMILPOC, the international military police organization, which hosts a 14-day course for military police personnel from all over the world twice a year.

During this visit, the participants are introduced to Aalborg in the best possible way, including visits to Aalborg City Hall, where they are welcomed to Aalborg and provided with information about what Aalborg is like, usually by a deputy mayor.

Similarly, there is a tradition of induction into the Guild of Christian IV, where participants from many nations become acquainted with old Aalborg through Jens Bang's Stone House and Duus Wine Cellar, and, not least, experience Danish coziness, fun, and pleasant singing through induction into the Guild of Christian IV.
The thirty-four happy individuals who were inducted into the Guild, including several Swedes, went through the induction ritual. 

34 people formed a long chain for the city tour, which first went to the Guild's beautiful tree in front of City Hall, and after the circle had been initiated into the tree's history, the group continued to the secret entrance, where the historical expert explained why the secret entrance had arisen and how it can be used today when visiting the site.IMG 8893

Upon returning to the wine cellar, the chief bencher welcomed everyone back and explained to the group about the old Danish drink mead, which was then tasted.

After the exertions, everyone looked forward to doing justice to the Guild of Christian IV's grand gala dinner - and everyone adhered to the rule of drinking potato juice at the right times.

The Guild's "duo" band struck up, and the guests sang along nicely to the songs in the songbook and politely listened to the chief benchers tales of both alcohol and priests' problems with preaching, ensuring there was attention from the congregation. This added an extra layer of cheerfulness.

After a couple of good hours, the benchers left a happily chatting audience.

But it did not end there; afterward, several of the organizers from UNIMILPOC visited the guild hall, not least to speak with the Guild's Cellar Master, who himself has a background in the Military Police.

See the picturres here
Private photos

Inauguration of 20 Norwegians from Risør and Southern Norway March 23

IMG 7505Finally, an inauguration of Norwegians. Around twenty individuals from southern Norway had made their way to Duus's wine cellar, where they eagerly awaited admission into the Guild. They encountered a special experience as chief bencher Ole B. Kristensen functioned as chief bencher for the first time, which he did with success; the benchers were also pleased, as something new was happening, making them particularly attentive and participative. Guild historian Peter Reinau recounted the Guild's history in his usual inspiring manner, both inside and outside the secret passage. IMG 7512Henrik Schou managed the roles of Thirst Master and Guild Forester, and he passionately recounted the story of the "virgin." Our two troubadours concluded the recording with their usual excellent playing and singing.
A delightful morning ended, where everyone enjoyed hearing Norwegian in the cellar once again. Subsequently, the acting chief bencher received well-deserved praise from the benchers.


DuusIt was an evening full of experiences. When the Benchers entered a fully occupied Duus Vinkjælder.  As tradition dictates, this is the annual Guild Assembly, where many members take the opportunity to visit the Guild.

After the benchers had taken their seats, there was time to quench “our thirst first.” Subsequently, the chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen welcomed everyone to this year's Guild Assembly, as well as the induction of new members. Former chief of emergency services Jørgen Petersen was proposed as the chairman for the Guild Assembly, and then he took over and conducted the meeting, addressing the eight items on the agenda. As usual, the chief bencher had to get used to someone else taking control. The chairman conducted the Guild Assembly, and all presents were informed about the Guild's activities, finances, and there were also re-elections for the chief bencher, treasurer, cellar master, scrivener, and auditor.

During the event, awards were also presented to two young people from 4th May College in Aalborg, who received a token of appreciation to brighten their lives. The chief bencher concluded the Guild Assembly and urged the assembly to give the chairman a big round of applause for successfully conducting the meeting.

After that, we proceeded with the induction of eight new members into the Guild. They were initiated into the Guild's rules, including becoming members under the current king, His Majesty King Frederick the Tenth. The new members also learned about the history and activities of the Guild and took the obligatory walk through the old and new Aalborg, where they were shown the secret entrance and tested that the key provided to the door worked. Back in the cellar, the new members were introduced to the traditional drink, mead, and everyone managed to keep it down.IMG 7685

Next, it was time to celebrate with the new members, so the Guild's splendid dinner was served. However, the chief bencher made it clear to the guests that the delightful "potato juice" awaiting them should not be touched until given the green light from the head table. The Guild's two troubadours made sure the guests learned the songs in the Guild's songbook. This was accompanied by stories about the good relations between the Scandinavian countries, examples of the "harmful effects of alcohol," and notably the story about the Norwegian bishop.

As it is customary during inductions, the benchers paradoxically leave the company at its peak, and so it was on this day as well.

On this evening, the chief bencher also took the opportunity to award the Guild's gold medal to fund administrator Jens-Christian Schmidt. He has been a longstanding member of the board and has held various positions of trust in the Guild over the years, including fund administrator, scrivener, vice chief bencher, and more. In awarding the gold medal, the chief bencher highlighted Jens-Christian Schmidt's always meticulous work with the tasks entrusted to him. His problem-solving approach to tasks, and especially his meticulous care for them. All these qualities have benefited the Guild of Christian IV, and this is clearly the reason for awarding the Guild's Gold Medal to Jens-Christian Schmidt. The awarding of the gold medal was met with great applause, especially from the bencher, who clearly expressed that the award was well-deserved.

See the pictures here

Photo: Private

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