
Christian Den Fjerdes Laug


DSC 0041 244As usual, the day included an induction ceremony into Christian IV's Guild, and this year the event was significantly larger, with a total of thirty-six people inducted.

Rumor must have spread beforehand, as the Benchers entered the room to take their places around the high table with the necessary solemn tone but interspersed with many cheerful smiles and hearty greetings of "Hallo and good day." So, the mood was lively from the start.

Chief Bencher Niels Voss began in the usual manner with “our thirst first” and then “caps off.”

The 4th of July induction has been a longstanding tradition, involving the induction of individuals connected to the event. This has led to Christian IV’s Guild counting countless celebrities among its members, including Danny Kaye, Victor Borge, and Walt Disney, as well as many politicians such as Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan, and numerous other famous actors.

This year also featured notable speakers, including astronaut Andreas Mogensen, who was the main Danish speaker. Already a member of the Guild, we were pleased to see him again. The main American speaker was Dr. Rachelle Kick, president of the only remaining college or university in the USA founded by Danish immigrants. Since her appointment in 2022 at Grand View University, she has shown great interest in the school's Danish roots and continues to promote its relationship with Denmark. The youth speaker from the USA, Jay Cannon, was born and raised in North Carolina and now lives in Denmark, where he has started an online media outlet reporting US news in Danish. Also, Fidelma McGinn, president of the Scan Design Foundation, who has consistently focused on creating partnerships and relationships, was among the new inductees into the Guild, as was the honorary mayor for a day, Lisa Steen Riggs.

As usual, all new inductees were taken on a tour of both the old and new parts of Aalborg, though due to time constraints, it was the shorter version of the tour.

All thirty-six new inductees were in high spirits, which only increased when the Guild's splendid dinner was served, especially when the Guild Troubadours played, encouraging everyone to join in the songs from the Guild's songbook.DSC 0116 318

The next item on the agenda for everyone was the Tent Lunch in Rebild.

This year's Tent Lunch saw over seven hundred attendees. Here, too, Christian IV's Guild is a tradition, as the Guild customarily has a segment during the lunch where various individuals are honored with a C4 tie or a C4 scarf.

After the Tent Lunch, it was off to the hills to listen to the speakers of the year and the musical entertainment.

IMG 2460A note on the weather for this year’s 4th of July celebration: recent years have seen formidable rainstorms, and in one year, the event was postponed by 30 minutes due to heavy rain. This year was different; from around noon, it was dry and sunny until about half an hour into the program in the hills, when rain made its appearance. However, it was not a total downpour, so weather-wise, the day saw improvements. Let’s hope this trend continues to improve next year.
See the photos HERE

Photo: Private

Jens Bang's impressive stone house on Nytorv in Aalborg has stood for 400 years this year. The remarkable building, which was almost Aalborg’s first 400 jubilumskyscraper at its inception, has been bustling with life and activity throughout the years.

Christian IV’s Guild was established in a dark time, in 1942 during World War II. The guild was housed in Duus Wine Cellar and aimed to create a sanctuary for true Danes and to help and support families in Aalborg during the war. Due to the Germans and a sabotage attack on the wine cellar, access to the guild was granted only to true Danes via “The Secret Passage,” which only members had the key to. To this day, the golden C4 key is the visible proof of membership in the guild and still works for the aforementioned “Secret Passage.”

After World War II, the guild believed it had fulfilled its mission, but Aalborg City Council encouraged the guild to continue its work, both in terms of charitable activities and as a DISTINCTIVE Aalborg event. Since then, the guild has annually inducted new members from both home and abroad.

Each year, the guild also distributes many donations to social, humanitarian, and cultural purposes to associations and individuals whose work the guild wishes to support, as well as to special events such as the birth of triplets or quadruplets and significant life-saving events.

All these activities are made possible through members’ fees for joining the guild.In celebration of Jens Bang’s Stone House’s 400th anniversary and having resided in the house for 82 years, Christian IV’s Guild offers inductions to all:

**Jubilee Inductions in Christian IV’s Guild**

- Saturday, August 10, 2024, at 09:30 AM or

- Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 09:30 AM

The inductions will take place as usual in Duus Wine Cellar, Østerå 9, 9000 Aalborg.

An induction typically lasts about 2 hours - the jubilee price per participant is DKK 400.00, which includes the induction itself with the presentation of the golden key, refreshments including 1 beer/water and 1 schnapps, and a golden C4 pin to wear on clothing.

Come and participate - but be aware that there are limited spaces, as only 30 people can be inducted at a time - a total of 60 people. Therefore, we operate on a first-come, first-served basis for registration.

If you would like to be a member of Christian IV’s Guild and thereby support the guild and its charitable activities - THEN REGISTER NOW AND NO LATER THAN August 2, 2024, with your name, phone number, and/or email to our Guild Cellar Master Ole Bech Kristensen at email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The Aalborg Prize 2023 was awarded to the Psychiatry House.

The Psychiatry House emerged from a unique collaboration between the Municipality of Aalborg and the North Jutland Region, along with several user groups.

The prize was originally supposed to be presented at the Guild Assembly in February, but unfortunately, the leader Mette Holm Larsen was unable to attend.

On Tuesday, May 27, Vice Chief Bencher Jens-Christian Schmidt, Master of Ceremony Sv. Aage Suhr, Guild cellar master Ole B. Kristensen, and Chief Bencher Niels Voss Hansen, along with Mette Holm Larsen, gathered for a small ceremony in our Guild Room where the amount of DKK 5,000 was presented.


The inauguration was witnessed by several hundred citizens, including Mayor Per Bach Laursen, the director of "the real Rundetårn in Copenhagen," Jeanette Bursche, and the head of communication, Rasmus Agertoft.

2024 05 14 Indvielse af Rundetrn i Lgstr 14 5 2024 193The Rundetårn in Løgstør was established in honor of the relatively unknown Løgstør native, Peder Nielsen Horrebow. Born into a poor fishing family in Løgstør, Horrebow later became an astronomer and eventually the director of Rundetårn in Copenhagen.

The idea to honor Peder Nielsen Horrebow by constructing another Rundetårn was proposed by Jens Aa. V. Schultz, now a local resident in the Løgstør area. Schultz, with his past as Prior of the Aalborg Monastery and a member of the board of Christian IV's Guild, was aware of the Guild's possession of a royal costume of Christian IV, originally sewn at the Royal Theater’s tailor shop for the opera singer Ove Verner Hansen.

Thus, Jens commissioned a replica of Christian IV to participate in the inauguration of the new Rundetårn (the Jutland version).

As a result, Christian IV could participate alongside the brothers of Christian IV's Guild, contributing to a historical retrospective. Christian IV assisted the director of the Rundetårn (the one in Copenhagen), Jeanette Bursche, as she cut the red ribbon marking the inauguration of the new Rundetårn, which is an exact 1:10 scale replica.

The area where the tower stands will soon be transformed into a park, situated between the town and the fjord, where the Rundetårn is expected to attract visitors to the town. Additionally, the Rundetårn is anticipated to be beneficial for other events.

The tower was inaugurated on Peder Nielsen Horrebow’s 345th birthday.

The new Rundetårn was built by bricklayer Peter Høvring, a native of Løgstør.

Thus, Christian IV's Guild, with King Christian IV at the forefront, clearly contributed to giving the inauguration a historical touch and made the day a bit brighter.

 See the pictures here

Photo: Private

International induction of thirty-four new members into the Wine Cellar

IMG 8879Once again, the Guild of Christian IV had the pleasure of inducting thirty-four new members from UNMILPOC, the international military police organization, which hosts a 14-day course for military police personnel from all over the world twice a year.

During this visit, the participants are introduced to Aalborg in the best possible way, including visits to Aalborg City Hall, where they are welcomed to Aalborg and provided with information about what Aalborg is like, usually by a deputy mayor.

Similarly, there is a tradition of induction into the Guild of Christian IV, where participants from many nations become acquainted with old Aalborg through Jens Bang's Stone House and Duus Wine Cellar, and, not least, experience Danish coziness, fun, and pleasant singing through induction into the Guild of Christian IV.
The thirty-four happy individuals who were inducted into the Guild, including several Swedes, went through the induction ritual. 

34 people formed a long chain for the city tour, which first went to the Guild's beautiful tree in front of City Hall, and after the circle had been initiated into the tree's history, the group continued to the secret entrance, where the historical expert explained why the secret entrance had arisen and how it can be used today when visiting the site.IMG 8893

Upon returning to the wine cellar, the chief bencher welcomed everyone back and explained to the group about the old Danish drink mead, which was then tasted.

After the exertions, everyone looked forward to doing justice to the Guild of Christian IV's grand gala dinner - and everyone adhered to the rule of drinking potato juice at the right times.

The Guild's "duo" band struck up, and the guests sang along nicely to the songs in the songbook and politely listened to the chief benchers tales of both alcohol and priests' problems with preaching, ensuring there was attention from the congregation. This added an extra layer of cheerfulness.

After a couple of good hours, the benchers left a happily chatting audience.

But it did not end there; afterward, several of the organizers from UNIMILPOC visited the guild hall, not least to speak with the Guild's Cellar Master, who himself has a background in the Military Police.

See the picturres here
Private photos