On December 21st the Guild visited Aalborg City Gymnasium
Here we should present “the Good-Spirit-Prize” to Victoire Kalunga Namumya, but- as he was taking ill, Rector Mette Bilstrup received the Diploma and the cheque on behalf of Victoire.
The ceremony took place in front of over one hundred students who applauded, while troubadour Keld Truslev played the accordion.
The motivation for the prize was, that Victoire always is a happy soul, tells lot of stories, and create a good atmosphere around him.
Photo: Jens Morten
Apprentice butcher, Asbjørn von der Lippe, has been awarded “the Good-Spirit Prize 2022”
Christian the Fourth Guild`s “Good Spirit-Price” is every year given to young students from Gymnasiums located in Aalborg, Aalborg Business School, and Tec College. Every year they are asked to nominate one of their students, who with his/her good humor, positive attitude and cheerful disposition has been creating a good atmosphere.
Representatives from Christian the Fourth Guild were present at “Salling Super” on Friday 9th of December.
Here they handed over the Diploma and a modest cheque to Asbjørn von der Lippe, while customers and coworkers applauded, while Keld Truslev played the accordion.
Both Tec College and Salling Super had nominated Asbjørn because of his good mood, cheerful mind and positive attitude, and he is always creating a good atmosphere, and he is good singer!!
Photo: Jens Morten
Initiation of members from Sørøst- Norge University and University of Aalborg.
Twenty-three persons were initiated, and there were some bystanders. As usual, when Norwegians and Danish are together there was a high spirit in the wine cellar. The initiation started around 17.30 hours, so when the new members should be on City sightseeing it was dark. Despite that, all succeeded in surviving, watering the tree, and getting through the secret passage to the wine cellar.
After having tasted the “potato juice” and the wonderful red sausages – our two-man band delivered a “jam session,” even with songs from our songbook.
Around 7 o`clock the Benchers left the Cellar, having had a nice afternoon. (Hoping the new members have had the same)
Initiation of senior members from Chamber of Commerce – North Jutland
On October 4th 20 members of the organization were initiated into the Guild. There were about twenty-two bystanders, so there was a good spirit in the Wine Cellar.
The senior members had wanted to lean a little about the merchant Jens Bang, who had built the “Stonehouse” back in 1624. So, before the initiation our “Laugskældermester” Ole Bech Kristensen, gave a brief introduction to Jens Bang and the “Stonehouse”, without revealing anything of the coming initiation.
The initiation went fine, and the tree was properly watered with beer, and everybody survived the walk through the secret passage, and was seated to enjoy the red sausages, beer etc.
We had a cozy afternoon, where our “Two-man band” created a singalong with songs from our songbook. Due to the many ladies attending, it sounded nice.
Se more photos here
Private photos.
It is great that the influence of the Corona era is almost over. In Christian the Fourths Guild, we have the pleasure of carrying out 7 initiations in one month.
On August 22nd fifteen persons from Operators Hockey Club were initiated. It is an American veteran organization, who plays Ice hockey.
There were about seventy bystanders, so there were a lot of activities and humor in the Wine Cellar.
On the 7th of September we took up twenty-eight persons from Unmilpoc, a military police course, including two Officers from Ukraine. As usual with Unmilpoc it was a nice initiation.
September 10th initiation of twenty-eight engineers from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They were attending a seminar in Aalborg, and everybody understood Danish. The initiation was performed in a particularly good spirit.
21st of September seventeen retired persons from Siemens Gamesa had gathered in the Wine Cellar and we had a nice afternoon – there were many Ladies amongst them, so the songs sounded better than usual.
Thirty-two members of the Crew and Officers from the Danish frigate Absalon were initiated on the 24th of September. Absalon is adapted by the City of Aalborg. It was a fine day, and the Chief Bencher remembered the first time the Crew were initiated in 2008 and handed over our C 4 crest.
See the photos HERE